Thoughts About Trip Planning

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In my previous blog, I talked about the importance of taking care of your gear and making sure everything is ready for the next trip.  That works well for those last-minute day trips but for longer excursions, there is no substitute … Read More

Day Trippin’

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One of my favorite things to do when exploring is using a drone to capture the beauty of the experience.  Of course, sometimes that means you have to be the early bird to catch the most breath-taking images.  My recent early morning … Read More


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July 20 – 22, 2019 (Jim, Tyson Charles, Rudy, Ruby, and Baby Choo). Anaheim RV Park. Just a quick trip to celebrate Tyson’s birthday. What a great get away, even if it was only for a few days.   Dinner, presents, and … Read More


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    Amerigo was named after the 1400-1500’s Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci.  He was the first person to realize that the Americas were separate from the continent of Asia.     On his first expedition, he discovered the mouth of the Amazon and Orinoco Rivers … Read More

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