Mato Tipila – Devils Tower
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One of my favorite things to do on the Journey is to learn about the history behind the places I visit.  The stories behind the Devils Tower did not disappoint.  Devils Tower is located in the northeast corner of Wyoming, an easy … Read More

Tatanka – Where the Buffalo Roam
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After a few long days of driving, what a great place to take a break from driving – exploring the Black Hills of South Dakota.  Before I share a little about my adventure, I have to extend my sincere gratitude to … Read More

Colorado – Just Passing Through​
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After 8 days in the desert southwest, I was looking forward to heading north for cooler temperatures and greener landscape.  My travel would take me 658 miles (with two stops in Colorado) on my way to Edgemont, South Dakota.  My first resting … Read More

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Well I had a “Duh” moment when I was planning this trip.  While at the Petrified Forest National Park (see A Hidden Jewel) I was reviewing my itinerary and I noticed that I had not planned a stop (or campground) for … Read More

Monument Valley, Navajo Nation
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Where to start? Where to start? Hmmmmm ….. FUCKING INCREDIBLE!!!!!  There is no better way to describe this spiritual place that has been on my bucket list for years (long before I even thought of buying Amerigo). Monument Valley belongs to and is … Read More

Canyon de Chelly
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After a second day in the Petrified Forest and with plenty of sunlight left, I headed north towards Monument Valley, Utah.  About halfway, north on US-191 lays the little town of Chinle, Arizona; I found it looking on a map (yes, … Read More

A Hidden Jewel
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Just East/Southeast of Holbrook, Arizona lays hidden a hidden treasure that most people pass without even a glance.  Maybe that is because the Petrified Forest has been on the move. “The Petrified Forest has been on the move for a long … Read More

El Gran Cañón
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There are only a few places in the world that have an Aura that cannot be explained. It is an energy that you feel throughout your body instantly – a spiritual power the embraces the soul. Ground Zero in New … Read More

Pet Travels – Road Warriors
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One of the reasons that I decided to buy my RV was to allow me to travel with my puppies instead of boarding them during my trips. (I said it was one of the reasons, not the only reason).  When you … Read More

Pre-Trip Trip
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With the 2019 Grand Adventure just about a week away, I decided to take Amerigo for a Pre-Trip Trip. I wanted to just ensure that everything was working properly before the big push-off.  And I am sure glad I did. The trip … Read More

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